Monday, February 23, 2009

~Antoni Gaudí and Maths~

Antoni Gaudí was born in the province of Tarragona in southern Catalonia on 25 June 1852. While there is some dispute as to his birthplace – official documents state that he was born in the town of Reus, whereas others claim he was born in Riudoms, a small village 3 miles (5 km) from Reus – it is certain that he was baptized in Reus a day after his birth.. The artist's parents, Francesc Gaudí Serra and Antònia Cornet Bertran, both came from families of coppersmiths. It was this exposure to nature at an early age that influenced him to incorporate natural shapes into his later work.

Significant buildings:

  • Sagrada Família

  • Casa Milà

  • Casa Batlló

  • Parc Güell

The mathematic facts which appear in his buildings are: parabolas, ellipses, hyperboles, spirals, cathenary archs, geometry...

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