Friday, November 7, 2008

Describing an object

Abdon: Excuse me, I've lost my wallet. has anyone handed one it?
Tiri: A wallet? What sort of wallet? What does it look like?
Abdon: It's a leather wallet. It's pink with purple spots
Tiri: A pink with purple spots wallet. I'll go and have a look.
Abdon: OK, thanks.
Tiri: No, sorry. I'm afraid we haven't got anything like that. Where did you last have it?
Abdon: I think I left in the restaurant.
Tiri: What was in it? Were there any valuables?
Abdon: Well, my DNI was in there, and some money.
Tiri: OK. Well, leave your name and nukmber and I'll contact you if it turns up.

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