Friday, November 14, 2008

A life story

I was born in Girona in 1993, but I've lived in Banyoles for fifteen years now.
My earliest memory isn't very clear. This was in Christmas, when I played cards with my sister "Berta" and my aunt "Mary". I also remember my first day in Primary School. We stayed in a row at playground. I've been at Escola Casa Nostra for four years. I think that I more sociable now and my hair is different colour! When I finish secondary school, I'll probably study "Batxillerat"and then I'll go to university. Before I'm old I want to go Australia, Antartida, and I want to see "Amfield Road!. Also I want to parachuting!

Friday, November 7, 2008

Talking about photos

Tiri: Have you got some photos? Can I have a look?
Abdon: If you like, yes.
Tiri: Where did you take them?
Abdon: Oh, This was when we were on holiday in New York last year.
Tiri: That's a nice one! Who's that on the right?
Abdon: It's a boy I met. His name's Mark.
Tiri: Were you visiting different places then?
Abdon: Sort of. You can see the Empire State in the background.
Tiri: Oh, yes. Lucky you! Have you got any more?

Greetings and news

Abdon: Hi, Tiri! I haven't seen you for ages. Where have you been?
Tiri: I've been away. We were in Hawaii for two months.
Abdon: Really? What were you doing there?
Tiri: I was relaxing in the beach. My grandmother lives there.
Abdon: Cool! What was it like?
Tiri: Hot! But the sea was blue and cold. What about you? How have you been?
Abdon: Not bad. We went to Indonesia in the summer - not as hot as Hawaii.
Tiri: Great. Anyway, I'd better go. I'm in a hurry.
Abdon: Ok, good to see you around again.


Tiri: Hey, Abdon, what are you doing?
Abdon: Hi, Tiri. I'm training for a sport competition. I'm going to run 2o miles on Sunday. Why don't you try it?
Tiri: No, I'm not into running. But what else could I do?
Abdon: How about swimming? Or cycling?
Tiri: I'm allergic to exercise. I'm not fit enough.
Abdon: Well, you could always try parachuting.
Tiri: You're joking! I'm scared of heights.
Abdon: Tiri, why don't you just sponsor me and I'll do the hard work.
Tiri: Ok. It's a deal!

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Making an appointment

Tiri: Hello. Caixa Catalunya. This is Josep Mª speaking. How can I help you?
Abdon: Hello, I'd like some information about students bank accounts.
Tiri: Yes, thst's no problem. Would you like to make an appointment?
Abdon: Yes, Ok.
Tiri: Is Monday OK for you? At five o'clock?
Abdon: No, I've got class.
Tiri: Oh, and on Friday at four o'clock?
Abdon: Yes, tat's fine.
Tiri: And your name is...?
Abdon: Abdon Compta.
Tiri: Abdon Compta, Ok. We'll see you on Friday the seventh at four o'clock.
Abdon: Ok, Thank you for your help. Bye.

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Describing an object

Abdon: Excuse me, I've lost my wallet. has anyone handed one it?
Tiri: A wallet? What sort of wallet? What does it look like?
Abdon: It's a leather wallet. It's pink with purple spots
Tiri: A pink with purple spots wallet. I'll go and have a look.
Abdon: OK, thanks.
Tiri: No, sorry. I'm afraid we haven't got anything like that. Where did you last have it?
Abdon: I think I left in the restaurant.
Tiri: What was in it? Were there any valuables?
Abdon: Well, my DNI was in there, and some money.
Tiri: OK. Well, leave your name and nukmber and I'll contact you if it turns up.

A news story

This was the dramatic scene yesterday at a theme park in London. Thirty-five people were trapped six hours when there was a problem with a haunted house. The accident began at one o'clock. The haunted house closed while the people were inside. As soon as mechanics saw the problem, they called the rescue services. At the first there was complete panic. people were screaming and crying. then the firemen arrived, and, as the rescue started, the terrified passengers became calmer. After four hours, all of the people were finally on the house again. later, one of them said. "It was the most frightening experience of my life".