Friday, January 16, 2009

A news story

This was the dramatic scene yesterday at theme park in London. Thirty-five people were trapped six hours when there was a problem with a haunted house. The accident began at one o'clock . The haunted house closed while the people were inside. As soon as the mechanics saw the problem, they called the rescue services. At the first there was complete panic. people were screaming and crying. then the firemen arrived, and, as the rescued started, the terrified passenger became calmer. After four hours, all of the people were finally on the house again. Later, one of them said: "it was the most frightening experience of my live"

A life story

I was born in Girona in 1993, but I live in Banyoles for fifteen years ago. My earliest memory isn't very clear. This was in Christmas, when I played with my sister, "Berta", and my aunt, "Mary". I also remember my first day in primary School. we stayed in a single file at playground. I've been at Escola casa Nostra for four years. I think that more sociable now and my hair is different colour! When I finish secondary school, I'll probably study "Batxillerat" and then go to university. before i'm old I want to go Australia, Antartida, and I want to see "Anfield Road". Also I want to parachute.

Meanings of the songs

Gemma's song: Suddenly I see - Katie Tunstall
This song is about one girl who thinks another girl is very introverted, but in the future, she discovered that this girl is very hard-worked and very friendly.

Judit's song: Apologize - One Republic
This song is about one girl who goes with another boy, and then she say sorry to his boyfriend, but he doesn't accept.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Katie Melua- Thank you stars

Katie Melua Lyrics
Thank You, Stars Lyrics

Because this song?
I have chosen this song, because I think that what it says is very interesting, and very true. among other things, also because I like it.

What's about?
This song, speaks about the stars, in particular of the ours star, the sun. It attempts to us to say that still that somebody you attempt to take away it, he would be there, it can not move around.